All about Seraphina Grace…

The greatest design holds narrative, not only do I believe this wholeheartedly I live this. All great designs as well as having their practical function tell a story. I have a growing collection of designs and I hope one day to have a great library behind me. It is my goal to make a difference in this world the best I can and I have found design and my creativity to be my strongest influence.

I do not just connect the brand to the audience, I lead them down a cobblestone path lined creating experience for the audience to remember. Ingredients of coleour, typography, space, careful design processes & thinking, thorough research, and communication is the recipe I have perfected for outstanding and timeless design. 



“We tell ourselves stories in order to live…”

- Joan Diddion, The White Album, 1979

Lovely to meet you! My name is Seraphina Grace I am a design student finishing my degree in Communication Design at the University of South Australia. I have been passionate about art and design from the minute my eyes could see clearly. I am a multi-faceted creative in design specifically in branding, packaging, and publication. I am no stranger to a camera and utilise film & photography in my design as well as visual art styles both digital and hand-crafted illustrations, painting, and sculpture. Whatever needs to be created for a design project I have a hand at creating myself.

A big focus in my work is detail and authenticity, I aim to create everything before your eyes from the ground up to ensure each project relies on no external sources to exist.

Get in touch!